Monday, September 28, 2009

OFF-brands that are spot ON

I heard something on the radio about Hugh Hefner's twin girlfriends. To be honest, I don't really understand the point. Like, they're identical, right? Or are you really into their personalities? I brought it up with Nate and Rebecca tonight, and Rebecca said, "No, that's fine. It's Hugh Hefner." It made me laugh.

Quentin came to visit this weekend. The highlight of this was, naturally, all the amazing food we ate. He and I enjoyed our mutual love for ice cream sandwiches, which was somewhat disturbed by Quentin's observation that ice cream sandwiches taste like neither chocolate or vanilla. Rather, they taste like ice cream sandwich, and they taste delicious. I started to question my love for them this evening as I carefully dissected the sandwich and thoughtfully tasted each part for either chocolate flavoring or vanilla flavoring. I found neither and began to dislike the whole thing until I realized that ice cream sandwich, as its own unique flavor, is one of the most delicious flavors out there.

The title feature in today's post is a quick comparison of Food Lion ("Lion King" as Nate likes to call it) and Harris Teeter brand ice cream sandwiches. Food Lion wins. Big time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Business or pleasure?

For the first time ever in my life, the answer to that question is business. I'm on my very first "business trip", which is quite exciting. We're staying at the cutest BnB. Hannah inserted the cutest line from Gilmore Girls here. She also had 4 aces in her volleyball game today. What, what?!

Pay attention to the football game between ECU and Carolina tomorrow. I'll be in Greenville, sporting the Carolina blue cardigan. That's how I roll.

Speaking of football, my fantasy team is doing well so far. Let's hope this weekend fares well for my teams.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Experience to Expertise

I felt like watching Sex and the City today when I got home from work. I think that's mostly due to the fact that my favorite pair of heels broke, but there might be other reasons. I started to explain why these heels are so important to me, even got into the second paragraph of the story, before I realized that nobody actually cares what I'm going to wear this Saturday. Email me personally if you want to know. ;)

Being a recent graduate is tough territory to navigate. You don't have any real experience. This means that it's almost impossible to find a job that you can actually get excited about. If you do manage to find that one amazing job, you're horribly underqualified and you feel it every day you work there. I feel like my boss is constantly having to defend me as an employee in order to get people to take me seriously. I don't want that to have to happen. But people's assumptions about me are right, I have no experience in my field. I think I'm good(ish) at what I do, but this is all new territory and I have nothing to prove that to be the case.

In my field in particular, I feel like I'm also running the risk of having every teacher hate me. "I don't have any real teaching experience, but trust me when I say that you should teach this way." Yea, nobody wants to hear that. I'm also secretly afraid that when I'm finally old enough to have the experience that would cause people to respect me, I'll want to be a stay at home mom.

I tried to find my blog on google earlier, it proved nearly impossible. So if you're reading this, I really appreciate you. More than you can know.

P.S. I'm fully aware that my scrollbar isn't working. I almost even care enough to fix it. I cared enough to try for about 5 minutes if that makes you feel any better. Just click in the box and use your arrows if it's giving you trouble. There will probably be a new redesign in not too long.

UPDATE: The scrollbar is now working. Huzzah! Admitting that it wasn't working made me feel guilty, and motivated me to figure it out.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Adventures in the WC

This past week, I had my first "business trip". I travelled with my boss, which was fun. I like getting to know new people. Before we headed home, we ducked out of our meeting and headed for the ladies' room. We talked on the short walk down the hall, as we both entered our stalls, and the talk continued as I sat down to do my business.

Now, it is my firm belief that talking while in the bathroom should be kept to a minimum. Otherwise, I'm struck by the unavoidable feeling that I'm sitting next to somebody while peeing. When my boss is talking to me, especially about work-related things, I'm struck by the unavoidable feeling that my boss can hear me peeing.

Pippy, I've learned, is rather obsessed with the bathroom. Not only does she guard the sink until I turn on the faucet for her to drink from, but sometimes, she doesn't even let me in bathroom at all. My first night here, Nate told me that the bathroom actually belonged to Pippy, and she was only letting me use it. I've found this to be truer than I ever imagined.

Last night, for the first time, she allowed me to hold her, while I was taking care of business. She repeated this in the morning. When I told Nate and Rebecca about it, Nate told me that she loves water so much, that she worships anybody sitting on that throne. To hear more of her antics, consider reading the Pippy and Champ blog. It's good stuff.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm back!

I really do like the idea of a blog. I like playing with the html even more. I hope you like the new design. It didn't really turn out how I wanted it to, but after investing the amount of time I did in it, I wasn't really willing to abandon the project. So here we are, having learned quite a bit in the process.

I heard on the radio today that Wednesday is the worst day of the week. I don't really see how that's possible. Maybe it's because I became an adult today (started the new job), or because I think Mondays are infinitely worse. Either way, I rather enjoyed the day. I sat at my new desk, with my new computer, and I did my own work. I even went above and beyond the call of duty at times, which made me feel accomplished, even if I'm not.

I had a really good story from work to tell, the general moral of which was "ask nicely and you'll get your way". I recently read this article, and although I can't imagine my story offending anyone (least of all those involved), I do think that staying away from the topic of work wouldn't be the worst idea I've ever had.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't even get me started!

Casey, Nicole and I were watching Top Chef when a Joe's Crab Shack commercial came on.

Casey: Joe's and Sonic have no business advertising in this area when we can't eat their stuff.
Jenny: And Olive Garden!
Casey: Don't even get me started on Olive Garden!

Finally, somebody gets me. Maryanna, this one's for you.

Monday, June 08, 2009

So far behind...

Recently, I've found myself trying to create and maintain 4 different websites/blogs.  Granted, I get paid for 2 of them, but one of the last things I want to do when I get home is spend more time on the computer.  Soon, I will provide pictures of the wedding and preceeding festivities.

In the meantime, I'm going to limit my time on the computer to work and researching schools I might eventually want to teach at.

Monday, June 01, 2009

I'm a W-O-M-A-N

The days of 136 Hamilton are over.  Begin new chapter.

I became strikingly aware of the fact that I am sharing a bathroom with a boy about halfway through my shower this morning.  That's about the time I actually woke up.  I added a lacy shower curtain and the potpouri when I got home from work today.

... or I just cleaned it...

My room is beautiful.  My bed comfortable.  And regular access to Food Network is making my life absolutely magnificent.

Likewise, the job is going well.  I'm working on my second website now, and I'm quite proud of my progress.  Pretty soon, I'm going to redesign the first, probably.  I'm rather proud of how my html skills are coming along.  Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to assist in a class on mathematical modelling.  The things you can do with Excel.  Crazy!

One thing I hate about moving is that it makes me realize how girly I am.  I hate that I can't lift really heavy boxes or put together my bed without help.  I also hated that two boys I respect had to see this about me.  Blast!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Adventures in house-sitting

Maryanna and I are house-sitting for a friend while she's in Africa for the next two weeks.  Aside from the dog and two cats, we're really enjoying the place to sleep as our beds have recently disappeared.  I think you'll also be pleased to know that I am making friends with the dog.  The cats are another story, but I've got a couple weeks.

I need to wear my hair up for Hanley's wedding.  If anybody has any specific ideas, I heartily welcome them.

I'm really excited about tomorrow.  I'll sleep in, then head back over to the apartment to do some packing.  Put in 4 or 5 hours of work, because that's really all it will take, and bam!  I'll feel productive.  Holidays are pretty much awesome.  Also, there should be a fancy google logo, and that always gets me excited.

Maryanna said something funny earlier, and I was going to put it on here.  Then I realized that I checked the box saying that this wasn't adult content, and I would have felt bad for using such raw language considering such.  Feel free to ask me sometime, though.  It's good.

Somebody should really compliment the new snazzy layout of this place.

Friday, May 22, 2009


I missed yesterday's.  It's too bad, really.  The 6th grade girl who created it is pretty dang talented.  See?

I was reading a particularly personal email on my phone earlier today when I caught somebody reading over my shoulders.  WTF, mate?

I've learned a couple new things about myself this week:

1)  Right clicking is a glorious thing.  I like the MACs at work, but I like coming home to my PC, too.  I'm not ready to make the switch, afterall.

2)  If I didn't have a roommate, I'm pretty sure I would want a pet of some sort.  I just can't imagine coming home to an empty house.  I know: shocker!

Maryanna hasn't seen Harry Potter yet, and that's all going to change tonight.  I'm really excited.  It's like one of my best friends is meeting one of my other best friends.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Victime a la mode

Tie-dye day 1:

Tie-dye day 2:

Tie-dye day 3:

It was a lot more work than I originally expected.  So totally worth it.  I officially love this shirt.

I also love my job.  This is pretty much why:

Announcement: If I pass you in the hall, you should not feel the need to talk to me, nod at me, or in any other way acknowledge my presence.  I'm cool with the awkward silence as we both stare at the ground.  On the other hand, don't mumble responses to my awkward questions in the elevator.  There are four mirrors.  We can't avoid each other for very long.

Thursday and Friday, I'm going to learn fancy things about computers and html and the like.  Expect this place to start looking pretty snazzy.

Update 11:38 p.m.: I'm bringing back something that I did when I had a blog back in highschool.  Hello, Ida!

Almost as old, Quentin Michael Ruiz-Esparza turns 23 today.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Weekend in Review

Friday night with these boys was a blast!  Surprising Q was even better.

I realize I'm biased, but really, I think it's pretty obvious who is the most handsome of the three.

Note: Homeschool moms you haven't seen in over a year asking questions about your relationship is weird.  Highschool girls wanting to giggle about your relationship is weirder.  I'm through with people.

The tie-dye pictures are coming.  I promise.

I'm tired.  Traveling to Charlotte, then to Fayetteville, and back to Chapel Hill in under 48 hours was a bad idea.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pride or Prejudice?

Tie-dye is a much longer process than I ever anticipated.  It'll be next week before I can wear any of this stuff.

There's a certain guy at work who doesn't seem to like me, and that bothers me.  Kind of a lot.  He's mean, though not outright.  There's something cynical, cold, and vaguely dark about him.  I've seen it before, Chris and Dominic, for example.  I want to win people like this over.  It's as though if I only try hard enough, I'll win him over.  There's a softer side in there somewhere, and I really want to see it.  Hey... it's worked in the past.  ;)

... I'll probably give up in a couple weeks and end up despising him for the same reasons that I admire him now.  We'll see.  I'm pretty sure this is exactly how I would feel if I knew House or Darcy.

In other news, I found this pretty stinking hilarious.  I suppose I'm pretty late discovering it.

This is really cool.  I fiddled with it at work today.  Anyone who figures it out gets a nod of approval from the cold man in the breakroom.  That's what happened to me, at least.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

11 flights down

The fire alarm went off around 10 this morning.  In order to understand the full impact of that statement, consider exhibit A:

The yellow arrow indicates the approximate location of my office.  Yes sir, I walked down 11 flights of stairs to the top of the parking deck, then an additional 3 flights to get down to ground level.  It was an adventure.  Then I didn't want to wait for the elevators on the way up, so my friend and I decided to climb the 11 flights of stairs back up, a decision I was regretting by the time I reached the fifth floor.  I did it, though, and aside from some sweat and a general lack of breath at the top, I believe I'm a better woman for it.

Tie-dye, day 2 is about to commence.  Pictures to follow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Of Work and Of Play

BH: *coughs*
BP: I need to talk to you before you die.
BH: What do you need?
BP: What would you think if you worked in an office like this?
BH: I *do* work in an office like this.

Burger King has been scaring me lately.  I find both of these incredibly disturbing:

I'm enjoying the mac I've been using at work.  After putting all of this information into xml, I went to copy it, and I was reminded of the difference between ctrl+c on a PC and ctrl+c on a mac.  And there went a half hour's work.

Announcement: When I get married, I'll tell you.  Until then, stop asking.

P.S.  Follow me.  It makes me feel good.

Monday, May 11, 2009

And so begins a new chapter...

... forget new chapters.  Why not start a new book?  ... a new blog, perhaps?

May 11, the day after commencement, the day I started my new job, and the first day of the rest of my life.  We're starting off with a bang!

Maryanna and I went to the mall this evening.  I spent an obscene amount of money on make-up.  What else are gift cards for if not to buy things you don't need?  Tomorrow's schedule: work, tie-dye, American Idol.  Get ready.

My to-do list is shrinking, and I take that as a general sign that I'm getting things done.  Graduate.  Check.  Find someplace to live this summer.  Check.  Spend time with your roommate for her last semester (or summer session) with you.  Granted, few of these things were actually accomplished in these past few days.  My friend called me to tell me a room opened up in her house.  I went to an event celebrating the work accomplished many semesters ago, certainly at least weeks.  And I goofed off with one of my favorite people in the world.  Not so impressive.  And the one or two things remaining are the only things that take any real effort, and I still haven't gotten around to them.  Why is that, do you suppose?

Announcement: when I get a teaching job, I'll let you know.  Until then, stop asking.  You're bumming me out.

I'll close with the lyrics of the song that this blog was named for.  Points to John Mayer for writing it.

Welcome to the real world 
She said to me, condescendingly
Take a seat, take your life
Plot it out in black and white
Well I never lived the dream of the prom kings 
and the drama queens
I'd like to think the best of me 
I'd still had it up my sleeve
I'd love to tell you 
"stay inside the line"
But something's better on the other side

I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above

So the good boys and girls take the so-called right track
Fading what had greater credits made the transfers
They read all the books but they can't find the answer
All of our parents they're getting older
Wonder if they've wished for anything better
While in their memories tiny tragedies
They love to tell you stay inside the lines
Something's better on the other side

I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above

I am invincible
I am invincible
I am invincible as long as I'm alive

I wanna run through the halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the top of my lungs
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you've got to rise above

I just can't wait 'till my ten year reunion
I wanna bust down the double doors
And when I stand on these tables before me 
You will know what all this time is for

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