Friday, May 22, 2009


I missed yesterday's.  It's too bad, really.  The 6th grade girl who created it is pretty dang talented.  See?

I was reading a particularly personal email on my phone earlier today when I caught somebody reading over my shoulders.  WTF, mate?

I've learned a couple new things about myself this week:

1)  Right clicking is a glorious thing.  I like the MACs at work, but I like coming home to my PC, too.  I'm not ready to make the switch, afterall.

2)  If I didn't have a roommate, I'm pretty sure I would want a pet of some sort.  I just can't imagine coming home to an empty house.  I know: shocker!

Maryanna hasn't seen Harry Potter yet, and that's all going to change tonight.  I'm really excited.  It's like one of my best friends is meeting one of my other best friends.

1 comment:

Maryanna said...

I have now met Harry :)

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