Sunday, May 24, 2009

Adventures in house-sitting

Maryanna and I are house-sitting for a friend while she's in Africa for the next two weeks.  Aside from the dog and two cats, we're really enjoying the place to sleep as our beds have recently disappeared.  I think you'll also be pleased to know that I am making friends with the dog.  The cats are another story, but I've got a couple weeks.

I need to wear my hair up for Hanley's wedding.  If anybody has any specific ideas, I heartily welcome them.

I'm really excited about tomorrow.  I'll sleep in, then head back over to the apartment to do some packing.  Put in 4 or 5 hours of work, because that's really all it will take, and bam!  I'll feel productive.  Holidays are pretty much awesome.  Also, there should be a fancy google logo, and that always gets me excited.

Maryanna said something funny earlier, and I was going to put it on here.  Then I realized that I checked the box saying that this wasn't adult content, and I would have felt bad for using such raw language considering such.  Feel free to ask me sometime, though.  It's good.

Somebody should really compliment the new snazzy layout of this place.

1 comment:

Chris said...

It's pretty snazzy.

For the hair, I vote mohawk.

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