Monday, June 01, 2009

I'm a W-O-M-A-N

The days of 136 Hamilton are over.  Begin new chapter.

I became strikingly aware of the fact that I am sharing a bathroom with a boy about halfway through my shower this morning.  That's about the time I actually woke up.  I added a lacy shower curtain and the potpouri when I got home from work today.

... or I just cleaned it...

My room is beautiful.  My bed comfortable.  And regular access to Food Network is making my life absolutely magnificent.

Likewise, the job is going well.  I'm working on my second website now, and I'm quite proud of my progress.  Pretty soon, I'm going to redesign the first, probably.  I'm rather proud of how my html skills are coming along.  Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to assist in a class on mathematical modelling.  The things you can do with Excel.  Crazy!

One thing I hate about moving is that it makes me realize how girly I am.  I hate that I can't lift really heavy boxes or put together my bed without help.  I also hated that two boys I respect had to see this about me.  Blast!

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