Wednesday, May 13, 2009

11 flights down

The fire alarm went off around 10 this morning.  In order to understand the full impact of that statement, consider exhibit A:

The yellow arrow indicates the approximate location of my office.  Yes sir, I walked down 11 flights of stairs to the top of the parking deck, then an additional 3 flights to get down to ground level.  It was an adventure.  Then I didn't want to wait for the elevators on the way up, so my friend and I decided to climb the 11 flights of stairs back up, a decision I was regretting by the time I reached the fifth floor.  I did it, though, and aside from some sweat and a general lack of breath at the top, I believe I'm a better woman for it.

Tie-dye, day 2 is about to commence.  Pictures to follow.


Quentin said...

i have read and enjoyed your blog.

and now i have commented.

Quentin said...

oh, sorry. that was me.

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