Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm back!

I really do like the idea of a blog. I like playing with the html even more. I hope you like the new design. It didn't really turn out how I wanted it to, but after investing the amount of time I did in it, I wasn't really willing to abandon the project. So here we are, having learned quite a bit in the process.

I heard on the radio today that Wednesday is the worst day of the week. I don't really see how that's possible. Maybe it's because I became an adult today (started the new job), or because I think Mondays are infinitely worse. Either way, I rather enjoyed the day. I sat at my new desk, with my new computer, and I did my own work. I even went above and beyond the call of duty at times, which made me feel accomplished, even if I'm not.

I had a really good story from work to tell, the general moral of which was "ask nicely and you'll get your way". I recently read this article, and although I can't imagine my story offending anyone (least of all those involved), I do think that staying away from the topic of work wouldn't be the worst idea I've ever had.

1 comment:

April said...

Hey girlie, it's April! I am so glad you're back! I started a new blog because I'm going to Spain. Check out, okay? That way you can keep up with me in Spain. How are you doing hon? I miss you!

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